Grants Here, There, Everywhere!

September 18, 2024

Up, up, and away! The Durango-La Plata County Airport is one of eight regional and municipal airports in Colorado that received part of a $100 million grant from the Federal Aviation Administration. The funding will directly cover Phase 1B of the Terminal Expansion Project. Durango School District 9-R received a grant from the Carton Council, part of ongoing efforts across the district to reduce food waste. All school cafeterias will now be equipped with the tools to divert food waste and recyclable materials from landfills. The Colorado Department of Transportation, in cooperation with the Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad and the City of Durango, started work to improve the US 550, Main Avenue, and 14th Street intersection. Work includes lane realignment, signal replacement, pedestrian safety improvements, and repaving. Expect significant traffic impacts until work is completed in November. By Hannah Robertson. This story is sponsored by Payroll Department and Tafoya Barrett & Associates.

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Go green with Durango School District 9-R this school year with a grant from the Carton Council towards reducing food waste. The Durango-La Plata County Airport Terminal Improvement Project received a $13 million grant toward phase 1B of the project, which will begin construction this fall. Plan ahead this fall with signal improvement work on the US 550, Main Street, and 14th Street intersection, part of a joint collaboration between the Colorado Department of Transportation, Durango and Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad, and the city of Durango. You're watching the "Local News Roundup" brought to you by the Payroll Department and Tafoya Barrett and Associates. I'm Sadie Smith. The Durango-La Plata County Airport is one of eight Colorado regional or municipal airports selected to receive part of a $100 million grant from the Federal Aviation Administration. The nearly $13 million grant will go towards the multi-phase terminal expansion project funding in full phase 1B which includes a 19,720 square foot expansion, new gates, passenger hold rooms, TSA passenger screening, and baggage claim areas. Groundbreaking for phase 1B will be October 2nd. Find more information about the terminal expansion project at the airport's website. C-DOT began work the first week of September at the US 550, Main Street, and 14th Street intersection to improve the 30-year-old signal and intersection. The project includes changes and updates to the intersection to improve traffic flow and pedestrian safety, as well as the replacement of traffic signals. Upon completion, southbound traffic will have one dedicated through-lane to Main Street, no left turn to East 14th Street, and two right-turn lanes onto Camino Del Rio US 550. The East 14th and Camino Del Rio crosswalks will be adjusted with new sidewalk and ramp construction and the North crosswalk will be removed. As part of accessibility improvements, the Durango and Silverton Narrow Gauge railroad will provide smoother transitions along the railroad tracks and an updated train signal. During the construction period, expect single lane and turn lane closures leading up to the intersection Monday through Thursday, 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM. Nighttime work on overhead signals will include 15-minute closures, and there will be full closure of 14th Street and Main Avenue in late October for work on the train signal and crossing. The city of Durango will repave the intersection at 14th Street and Main Avenue after completion. Alternate routes are advised throughout the work period, which will go through November. Going green at Durango schools, Durango School District 9-R received a grant from the Carton Council for the 2024-25 school year for its food waste reduction efforts. Programs began in 10 school cafeterias last year, and in April and May alone, the program diverted 231 gallons of food waste. With grant funding, the school district will add tables to every school cafeteria with receptacles to collect liquid waste, empty cartons, uneaten food, and trash bins. The school district is working with local individuals who might want to use food waste to feed animals. Contact Durango School District facilities for more information. Learn more about these and other stories online at Thank you for watching this edition of the "Local News Roundup," I'm Sadie Smith.


December 19, 2024

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