Election Week Rally with Adam Frisch 

November 1, 2024

There’s still time to cast your vote! At a rally in Durango on Oct. 30, Adam Frisch rallied support for his campaign as he emphasized the importance of unity among voters. Frisch, the Democratic candidate for Colorado's Third Congressional District, called for collaboration between parties to elevate rural voices in Washington. With Election Day approaching, he urged everyone to make their voices heard at the polls. By Sadie Smith. This story is sponsored by Serious Texas BBQ and FLC Center for Innovation.

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On Wednesday, October 30th, Adam Frisch held a rally at the Veterans of Foreign War Center as part of his Get Out The Vote campaign. You're watching the "Local News Network," brought to you by Serious Texas Bar-B-Q and the FLC Center for Innovation. I'm Zadie Smith. Frisch is the Democratic candidate for Colorado's third congressional district, one of the largest and most diverse rural districts in America. During his visit, Frisch reiterated some of his campaign promises, including addressing issues such as housing availability and cost of living issues that many young people in Southwest Colorado face.

We want to make sure not only can people survive in La Plata, but also thrive, especially our younger voters and our younger people that are here. The number one thing on people's mind, no matter what it is, is cost of living, and how in the world am I able to buy a house?

Rural communities like Southwest Colorado often struggle to retain young talent and create modern career opportunities. Frisch is committed to building pathways for young people to establish long-term careers close to home.

But we don't want to be exporting our kids anywhere outside of the La Plata County if they want to stay here. So, I'm hoping working with and supporting the incubator spaces in town, and I know there's some other young professional groups and some of the Chamber of Commerce is trying to figure out whether it's ag ranching or farming, or small business or tourism, or the environmental climate conversation that happens in Durango a lot. We want to figure out how to have professional jobs.

Frisch emphasized the need to move beyond political divides and work across party lines to achieve shared goals. He believes Colorado's CD3 must ensure that rural voices are heard in Washington.

One of the things we've learned from the wealthiest to the least well-off counties, Democrats, Republicans, Anglo-Latinos, is there's a great State of Denver, and then there's everybody else. In all 27 of our county, 27 of our counties feel left out of the conversation without a doubt.

During the rally, he called for a shift in focus, promoting unity and collaboration.

I've been talking about this for a long time. As I mentioned before, it's not about Team Democrat or Team Republicans, about Team CD3. Neither party has a monopoly on good ideas, and they both have some bad ones.

A full list of Frisch's priorities can be found on his website. With Election Day just around the corner on Tuesday, November 5th, there's still time to make your voice heard. It's no longer recommended to mail in your ballot as it might not reach the elections office in time. Instead, voters can still drop off ballots at any dropbox or voting center by 7:00 PM on Election Day to ensure they're counted. For more information about this and other stories, visit durangolocal.news. Thank you for watching this edition of the "Local News Network." I'm Zadie Smith.


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