Summer Events at the Library Underway

May 26, 2023

The Ignacio Community Library invites you to join them for donuts, books, and summer reading and music programs. The Ignacio School District, Southern Ute Tribe and other community partners have released planned summer enrichment programs for children and youth in Ignacio, and the Tribal Planning Department and Road Runner Transit have partnered to create more accessible public transit options, and for that they need your help. By Hannah Robertson. This story is sponsored by Happy Pappy’s Pizza & Wings and Tafoya, Barrett & Associates

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The Ignacio Public Library has a whole summer full of events and opportunities, including some tasty donuts every Friday. Find an activity for any kid from the Ignacio School District's summer enrichment program list, and the Tribal Planning Department and Road Runner Transit want to hear from you about public transit needs and wants. You're watching the Ignacio News Roundup, brought to you by Happy Pappy's Pizza and Wings and Tafoya Barrett and Associates. I'm Connor Shreve. The Ignacio Community Library invites you to join them every Friday from 9:00 to 10:00 AM for donuts, coffee, sneak peaks, and new books. With a full lineup of summer activities, there's something for everyone. Join the Summer Reading Kickoff Party, June 7th, and learn about events and activities for the All Together Now summer reading program, running June through July every Wednesday at 10:00 AM. There will be an event or activity for the whole family, plus prizes along the way for reading accomplishments. The Summer Music Series kicks off with the bluegrass band, The Badly Bent, on Friday, June 9th at 5:30. Food trucks and vendors will be available as well as books and chocolate from friends of the library. Learn more about these and other events by signing up for the library newsletter or by visiting the library's website. The Ignacio School District, Southern Ute Tribe, and other community partners have released this year's summer enrichment programs with camps and clubs offering everything from cooking classes to STEM enrichment activities, music and sports. Some classes do have a cost, but scholarships are available. Check out the full listing and sign up for classes and activities online at the Ignacio School District's website or on the community page of the Southern Ute Tribe's website. The Tribal Planning Department and Road Runner Transit are working to explore additional transportation options for Southern Ute Tribal employees, Southern Ute Tribal members, and visitors. Road Runner Transit connects Ignacio, Bayfield, and Durango with medical services, jobs, education, and shopping. The six question survey aims to help determine the need for expanded public transit services on the reservation and La Plata County. Find the survey by following the QR code on screen. Learn more about these and other stories online at If you have an organization or event that you would like to see featured in Ignacio, email us at Thank you for watching this edition of the Ignacio News Roundup, I'm Connor Shreve.


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