Snow Day Make-Up Plan Announced

March 15, 2023

Durango School District 9-R has released the plan to make-up the missing school contact hours from the snow days earlier this year. Flowstone Education, a nonprofit out of Pagosa Springs aiming to bring unique experiences to low-income and minority youths has announced its schedule of events for 2023, and the winners of the Department of Motor Vehicles Historic Colorado license plate design contest are announced. By Hannah Robertson. This story is sponsored by Tafoya Barrett and Associates and 2180 Lighting and Design Studio

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Durango School District 9-R has released the plan to make up the missing school contact hours from the snow days earlier this year. Flowstone Education, a nonprofit out of Pagosa Springs, aiming to bring unique experiences to low income and minority youths, has announced its schedule of events for 2023. And the winners of the Department of Motor Vehicles Historic Colorado license plate design contest are announced. You're watching the Local News Roundup brought to you by Tafoya Barrett and Associates and 2180 Lighting and Design. I'm Connor Shreve. Durango School District has announced the plan to make up missed hours from the six snow days this year. The plan taken from a survey sent to staff and families, from February 21st through March 1st, includes provisions if additional snow days are needed this year. April 24th will be a regular school day, instead of a professional development day. From April 10th on, all Mondays will be regular school days, instead of early release days. If there are additional snow days, an additional 8 minutes will be added to the end of each school day. May 26th will be a regular school day and there is the possibility of extra days added to the end of the school year. To accommodate for snow days next year, the 2022-24 school calendar will include a additional five snow day makeup days at the end of the calendar, for use if needed. Extending the school calendar from 169 days to 174 days. Flowstone Education, a nonprofit based out of Pagosa Springs has announced its 2023 schedule of events. All events are designed to provide unique, free experiences for youths age 10 to 17, from low income and minority backgrounds. The programs encompass a range of experiences introducing skills and trades and discussing opportunities for careers that don't need a college degree. All courses will be held at La Plata County Fairgrounds, unless otherwise stated, and registration is required due to small class sizes. Flowstone is always looking for volunteers to assist with classes and donations are welcome. Register for a class or sign up to volunteer online. The Colorado Department of Motor Vehicles and Governor Jared Polis announced the winners of the Historic Colorado license plate design contest. Over 34,000 Coloradans voted in the contest to determine the two winners in the 13+ and U13 divisions. Evan Griesheimer of Denver, the winner of the 13+ division took inspiration from the Colorado State flag, Rocky Mountains and mining in his design. The winner of the U13 Division, Calista Blaschke also of Denver included Pikes Peak, Fortune Hunters, the Lark Bunting, and the Blue Spruce tree in her design. The winning plate designs will be available for purchase from August 1st, 2023 through August 1st, 2027. Learn more about these and other stories online at Thank you for watching this edition of the Local News Roundup. I'm Connor Shreve.


December 19, 2024

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