Naturally Good for you


Local Jenny Diehl, Cura.Te wants to help you live your best life with all-natural, handmade products. By Hannah Robertson. Sponsored by Tile and Light Art of Durango and Durango Party Rental

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So in 2007, my mom passed away from Early-Onset Alzheimer's and that completely changed my life because I saw her suffer for about seven years from that. And she was only 59 years old when she died. So it was really difficult. And after her passing, a couple of years later, I just couldn't stop thinking about how that happened to her, why that happened to her. And I really wanted to know.

This edition of the local news network is brought to you by Tile and LightArt of Durango and Durango Party Rental.

That led me into the field of holistic medicine, where I learned about the correlation between toxins and chemicals and disease and namely Aluminum and Alzheimer's. And what I realized was that these toxins and chemicals are in our everyday products, our deodorant, our toothpaste, our body washes. What I ended up doing was started making my own products because I realized that like, everything in my closet was toxic. And because I had seen my mom suffer so much, she was just 66 pounds when she died, it made a huge impact on me. And so I really wanted to live a more healthy life and not let that same thing happened to me. So once I realized all these toxins and chemicals were just, you know, in my closet, I started making my own soaps and cleaners and all of that, I started developing more and more products. It kind of became an addiction for me because like, I was like, if I could make it, I wanted to make it. So I wanted to make my own toothpaste, my own laundry soap, my own body washes, things like that. And so I started to make more and more products. And over about four years, I developed my product line and we ended up launching at the end of 2018. So we've been in business now about two and a half years. I like to tell people that I love to use products from the earth, just like I love to eat things from the earth, fruits and vegetables. We only use products from the earth. So basically it's very simple ingredients. It's things that you can pronounce and it's things from the earth. And I'm also board certified in holistic medicine. And so I was, you know, helping people out with, you know, chronic illnesses and things like that. And what ended up happening was, I just was like, "you can't use these products that you have in your house." And so I started giving them my soaps and different things like that. And it just really grew and blossomed. I know if we're intentional about living a healthy life, like we can live that long and healthy disease-free, symptom-free life. And this is just one component of that, is what we've put on our skin, as our skin is our largest organ. And so everything that goes into our skin or what goes onto our skin, goes into our bloodstream. So we need to think about what we're using on our skin as the same as what we're putting into our bodies when we eat and be more grateful to be located here in beautiful Durango. I can't imagine a more beautiful place to make beautiful products, healthy products. We felt like it was a great fit for us to launch a business like this in Durango, where so many people are, want to live a healthy lifestyle. The, you know, mountains here definitely afford us that opportunity. And so, yeah, we're really grateful to be here in Durango. So we do, we are in a few stores in town. We're at Durango artists and foods. We are also at base camp, which is actually a new restaurant up at Timarron. And then Joe Lee, who is a fitness and nutrition gal over in the purple cliffs. She's got some of our products in there and across the hall from her studio B also. And then we're online, so anybody in Durango can order directly from us online, just pick local pickup. And we actually deliver, if you're in the Durango area, we will deliver. And I like to say we're faster than Amazon.


December 19, 2024

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