May is motorcycle awareness month, and the Colorado Department of Transportation has a list of tips to keep both motorcyclists and drivers safe on the roads this summer. Nominations are now open for the Library Community Champion Award, celebrating the volunteer efforts that keep Durango Public Library running smoothly. And make sure to grab tickets for the 11th annual Gardens on Tour with the Durango Botanic Gardens. By Hannah Robertson. This story is sponsored by Kroegers Ace Hardware and Sky Ute Casino.
Colorado Department of Transportation -
Durango Public Library -
Durango Botanic Gardens -
Gardens on Tour -
Kroegers Ace Hardware -
Sky Ute Casino -
As the weather warms up, more and more people are taking to the open road on motorcycles. With May as Motorcycle Awareness Month, the Colorado Department of Transportation has a series of tips to help keep everyone safe on the road. The Durango Public Library Advisory Board has opened nominations for the library community champion, and tickets for the 11th Annual Garden on tour are now on sale. You're watching the "Local News Roundup," brought to you by Kroeger's ACE Hardware and Sky Ute Casino. I'm Sadie Smith. Warmer weather is here, and the open road is calling. This Motorcycle Awareness Month, C-DOT wants to help keep riders and drivers safe this year. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Colorado has the second highest rate of motorcycle deaths in the country. While deaths decreased lightly in 2023, C-DOT has four tips to keep riders and drivers safe and keep that rate going down. First, is to wear helmets and other protective gear. Of the 134 deaths last year, half of the riders were not wearing helmets. Keep speeds down and don't drive impaired. 26% of the motorcycle traffic deaths between 2021 and 2023 involved an impaired driver. Get trained. The Colorado State Patrol offers motorcycle operating safety training, which enables people to get their motorcycle endorsement. And lastly, drivers, do your part. Make sure to drive aware and keep a safe distance from motorcyclists. Nominations for the Annual Library Community Champion are now open. The Durango Public Library Advisory Board uses the award as a way to recognize the citizen volunteers who help keep the library running. Bill Le Maire, the chairman of the advisory board said of the award, "Volunteerism has always been a key ingredient in supporting our remarkable library and staff." Visit the library front desk, or the website for the nominations form. The nominations are accepted through the end of May, and the winner will be announced in September. The Durango Botanic Gardens invites you to the 11th Annual Gardens on tour this summer. Nine Gardens will be highlighted, showcasing the variety of plants for the varied growing zones in the Durango area. The tour takes place June 22nd from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Find tickets and more information about past featured gardens on the new website for the garden tour. Ticket holders can pick up their wristband and guidebook on June 21st, when the locations of the gardens will be revealed. Learn more about these and other stories online at Thank you for watching this edition of the "Local News Roundup." I'm Sadie Smith.