It's Never Too Late to Learn a New Trick


The American SkiBike Association and Purgatory Mountain Resort hosted the 19th Annual SkiBike Rally, a celebration of all things SkiBike. An alternative to skiing and snowboarding, SkiBiking is experiencing a rise in popularity across ski areas in the country. By Hannah Robertson. This story is sponsored by Closets Plus and Tafoya Barrett and Associates

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Winter sports abound in Durango. But if you're itching to try something new or feel like your legs can't take another ski season, maybe it's time to try ski biking. If you've been skiing before, the concept is similar. Use the bike to turn into the hill, keep your weight on the downhill side and you'll be off conquering mountains in no time. You're watching the Local News Network brought to you by Closets Plus and Tafoya Barrett and Associates. I'm Wendy Graham Settle.

It's another tool to slide down the mountain. They are so much fun and if you're a skier, a snowboarder, a mountain biker a baby boomer that used to do that stuff that wants to get back on the hill, blow your hair back and get together with your families, We can, we do that. And we also, we've got teenagers who are doing back flips on these things. So different horses for different kinds of riders.

During the last weekend in February, Purgatory Resort hosted the 19th Annual SkiBike Rally with the American SkiBike Association. Purgatory is the original site of the first ever SkiBike rally. And as the sport grows in popularity, more and more resorts are opening the slopes to skibikes. As of this year, around 130 ski resorts in the United States allow skibikers to share the slopes with skiers and snowboarders.

We also do a lot of work with adaptive programs. We see a lot of wounded warriors, military people with you know, prosthetic legs that are getting back on the slopes for the first time, you know, since since their injury, which is really exciting for all of us, something that that we're passionate about as owners of a company as well. We also have people who, today, that are riding that have never been on a ski slope before. And their first experience on a ski slope is on a skibike.

Durango's Adaptive Sports Association was the recipient of several skibikes a few year ago, providing disabled skiers with greater access to the mountain. Many of the people working and visiting the booths on Saturday had stories of people they knew who had injuries that prevented them from skiing or their bodies had just grown too old for skiing to be comfortable, but once they hopped on a bike, the mountain opened up again.

You know, people need to get out of their comfort zones and it's a blast and it's a little bit surprising how easy it is to pick up. So, you know, people ski, been skiing forever. I always say, try new things in life. Try new things. Try something and you'll be surprised. Get out of your comfort zone. Try it. You'll be surprised how easy it is, how fun it is.

As part of the celebration, more than 30 skibikers gathered to ride down the slope showing fellow skiers and snowboarders how fun the sport can be. They gathered for a group shot above Demon before making their way back down to the base area. Throughout the day, activities encouraged participants to get to know each other a bit better. And vendors from skibike manufacturers, SkiByk and Lenz Sport Skibikes showed off their wares.

All season we've rented our bikes. Every weekend. A lot of weekdays. So it's been a growing, I've seen it firsthand, how much it's growing and yeah, I couldn't be more thrilled. It's it's a great, you know, I love to ride it myself and it's a lot of fun and I'm getting more and more people every day asking about it.

We have a bike here that we have a picture of Paul McCartney from the Beatles on. We have that model here and it just goes to show you how popular it has been in Europe and it has always had some exposure in the United States but we are seeing a renaissance in the last five to 10 years where we have new styles of bikes, we have new manufacturers, we have all kinds of enthusiasts that are joining our group and we're trying to grow the sport.

Just because the rally weekend has passed doesn't mean that's skibike season is over. To try your hand at riding a bike, visit Durango Ski and Patio at Or at their shop at 21516 Highway 160. To learn more about the American Skibike Association or to become a member, visit And to keep up to date with other events and activities at Purgatory Mountain Resort, visit Thanks for watching this edition of the Local News Network. I'm Wendy Graham Settle.


December 19, 2024

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