Back to School!

August 9, 2023

Durango School District 9-R goes back to school on August 22nd - get your students ready for school with check-ins and in-person or online registration. Animas Museum invites you to learn about the history of the Buffalo Soliders in the southwest, and nominate yourself or someone you know for the “Coolest Thing Made in Colorado” competition by the Colorado Chamber of Commerce. This story is sponsored by Happy Pappy’s Pizza & Wings and Sky Ute Casino

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The start of the school year is just a couple weeks away. Make sure your students are registered and ready with school check-ins. Animas Museum invites you to a night with the Buffalo Soldiers. African-American soldiers stationed at an outpost by Pagosa Springs, and do you, a friend or a family member, have the coolest thing in Colorado? Nominations for the Second Ever Coolest Thing in Colorado are open. You are watching the Local News Roundup, brought to you by Happy Pappy's Pizza n Wings and Sky Ute Casino, I'm Wendy Graham Settle. School starts on August 22nd for Durango School District 9-R. Elementary school check-ins are happening this week and middle school and high school check-ins begin August 15th. The check-in is a great place to register for the upcoming school year if you haven't already or are a new family to the district and to check out the schools and meet teachers. There's also an online registration option if you are unable to make the in-person events. Buffalo Soldiers returned to Animas City on Saturday September 16th. Buffalo Soldiers were units of primarily African-American soldiers, many Civil War veterans who were stationed across the American West. In 1879, a unit was stationed in the original Fort Lewis. Come learn from Reenactors what life was like as a Buffalo Soldier and learn more about the all black regiments with the 9th and 10th United States Cavalry. One of the guests include the only known woman to serve with the Buffalo Soldiers. The event is free and open to the public.

What do you do when the puppy you adopted grew up into a dog that looks nothing like you thought it would? In the case of Sarah Katzman, you write a children's book about it, have your friend illustrate it, and launch a Kickstarter campaign to promote the message "Adopt, Don't Shop." The book, "Accidental Tiny Dog" has sold nearly 500 first edition copies since it debuted last year, with proceeds going to local animal rescue organizations. To celebrate, Katzman will be signing copies of "Accidental Tiny Dog" at Maria's bookshop from four to 6:00 pm on Saturday, August 12th. Proceeds will go toward the La Plata County Humane Society who will have adoptable animals on site to celebrate the event.

Last year, the Colorado Chamber of Commerce launched the Coolest Thing in Colorado Contest, a statewide community-driven competition to celebrate Colorado's manufacturing industry. Sponsored by First Bank, the contest encourages Coloradans to nominate a Colorado-based manufactured product. The nomination period closes August 21st and finalists will be honored October 9th. The winner gets a Coolest Thing Made in Colorado Trophy and the title and recognition of Colorado Thing Top Winner for 2023. Eligible products must be made in Colorado using a manufacturing process in a Colorado-based facility. Although the company manufacturing the product does not necessarily have to be Colorado-based. Anyone can nominate and self nominations are encouraged. Products only need to be nominated once to be considered, so make sure to boast about your favorite. Learn more about these and other stories online at Thank you for watching this edition of the Local News Roundup, I'm Wendy Graham Settle.


December 19, 2024

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